Summerbird ist eine Eskimohundhündin in ihren besten Jahren. Sie ist groß gewachsen und kräftig. Ihre Beine sind dick und kräftig und tragen das schwere Gewicht des Körpers. Der komplette Körer ist weiß gefärbt, nur an einigen Stellen ist das Fell beige. Ihre Ohren sind spitz und sitzen aufrecht auf dem runden Kopf. Summerbird hat braune Augen und trägt ein Kettenhalsband.
this is madness
{ C H A R A K T E R }
I can't tell you how relieved I am to have you here. Your the last one, it's all gone. That's the thing connection is perhaps the most cherished thing any human being can have. I understand how you must feel. You've got to remember the good things and cherish the memories and go on with life because it don't stop. You only have to remember, that what you've done in your life may change what someone's doing in their life, and it changes everyhing. So amazing. Love.
we're still standing
{ K E N N E N L E R N E N }
I can't tell you how relieved I am to have you here. Your the last one, it's all gone. That's the thing connection is perhaps the most cherished thing any human being can have. I understand how you must feel. You've got to remember the good things and cherish the memories and go on with life because it don't stop. You only have to remember, that what you've done in your life may change what someone's doing in their life, and it changes everyhing. So amazing. Love.
this is us
{ A B W E S E N H E I T & I N A K T I V I T Ä T }
I can't tell you how relieved I am to have you here. Your the last one, it's all gone. That's the thing connection is perhaps the most cherished thing any human being can have. I understand how you must feel. You've got to remember the good things and cherish the memories and go on with life because it don't stop. You only have to remember, that what you've done in your life may change what someone's doing in their life, and it changes everyhing. So amazing. Love.